Is Your Dog a Sun Dog or a Moon Dog?


Sun Dog, Moon Dog

Is your dog a Sun Dog or a Moon Dog, and what is the difference?
With the solar eclipse happening over North America Monday, I began thinking about the differences between the sun and the moon, and how they are great metaphors for our dogs. For me, I much prefer a Sun Dog to a Moon Dog. Here are the characteristics of the sun and the moon, and how they apply to our dogs:

Path of Friendship Dogs

Your friendship with a Sun Dog can be more fulfilling because there isn’t co-dependency based on insecurities. A Sun Dog can be a better friend because they have greater self-esteem and trust your judgement more, whereas a Moon Dog is less secure and therefore may be less trusting and needs to control things. The good news is that you can turn a Moon Dog into a Sun Dog by following a few of the Path of Friendship principles, specifically the first, second and fourth principles.

The first principle of the Path of Friendship™ is Always Put the Friendship First. When you use this first principle, you are communicating to your dog that no matter what happens, you will always be there for him as his friend. Your friendship isn’t dependent conditionally on his obedience or behavior. You are completely committed to him and will give him unconditional love. This gives your dog a tremendous sense of security. It gives him freedom to be himself without worrying that you will reject him.

The second principle is Treat Each Other as Equals. Your dog understands that he is an equal partner and that he is equal in importance to you. This is how he gains self-esteem and his self-worth.

The fourth principle of the Path of Friendship™ is Give Up Control and Help Each Other to Grow. Rather than looking to control every aspect of your dog’s life, help him to become his best self. With your guidance, he will develop character and values instead of blind obedience. Be his friend and advisor, and allow him the space to grow. A flower cannot grow in the shade, nor can your dog become self actualized if you are always standing over him.

When your dog is a Sun Dog he will shine brightly, warmly and be the kind of friend everyone wants to be around. Help your dog be a light unto himself and your friendship will never be “eclipsed”.

Sun Dog  Bhakti


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Author: Path of Friendship™

Corey Cohen is an animal behaviorist, mindfulness and emotional intelligence instructor with over 33 years of helping people connect to their dogs on a deeper level. His unique Mindfulness-Based Animal Behavior Therapy™ and his Path of Friendship™ programs are inspiring alternatives to standard dog training. His mindfulness seminars for individuals, universities, wellness centers, and top corporations has helped reduce stress and anxiety and given people a fresh perspective on life. He is the owner of A New Leash on Life Animal Behavior Services in Northeastern PA and Northern NJ. He’s also the owner of Awakenings Meditation in Northeastern PA.

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